Your Health Results

Drivers Medical

Medical for all drivers

Taxi Driver Medical

A taxi driver medical is carried out to ensure that drivers are in good enough health to safely drive a private hire vehicle or hackney carriage on the public highway.

Before you book with us – Your Local Authority, not the DVLA, decide who can carry out your medical. Therefore, we strongly advise customers to check first whether or not any General Practitioner can complete the medical examination for them. This is because most Local Authorities allow any GP to perform Taxi Medicals whereas others state that only the driver’s own General Practitioner may do so.

*In addition, some Local Authorities require that the person conducting your medical has access to your medical records. This may need to be requested from your GP surgery in advance of your appointment.

Your appointment – Please bring with you the following to your medical appointment:

• Medical Form (you can find your medical form online by visiting your Local Authority’s website and searching for ‘Taxi Licensing’)
• Photographic Identification
• Your driving glasses/contact lenses and prescription
• Details of any ongoing medical conditions plus any medication you are taking
• Medical records as required The medical professional conducting your medical will review your medical records based on the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) Group 2 Medical Standards.

The medical examination itself takes approximately fifteen minutes to complete and covers the following areas:

• Vision
• Cardiovascular
• Endocrine system
• Musculoskeletal
• Neurological
• Psychiatric

We may not make a fitness decision during your medical as there may be additional checks and time required e.g., if you have suffered from a previous medical condition related to your heart, in which case an Echocardiogram (ECG) may be required. Local Authorities have adopted Group 2 guidelines but often do not have the facilities to deal with a follow up such as an ECG, you will be expected to arrange this yourself if it is deemed necessary.

Your medical test results – If your test results are normal, the medical professional conducting your medical will provide a fitness certificate to confirm to the DVLA that you are fit to drive a private hire vehicle or hackney carriage If your test results are not normal, or if your test is unsuccessful, the medical professional conducting your medical is obliged to report to the DVLA that you do not fit the medical requirements.

​Group 2

The minimum age for Group 2 entitlement to drive lorries (category C) is 21 and for buses (category D) is 24, unless the driver is undergoing or has passed the Driver Certificate of Competence (CPC) initial qualification which they can do at the age of 21. The Group 2 licensing entitlement is valid for a maximum of five years. Group 2 licenses must be renewed every 5 years or at age 45 whichever is the earlier until the age of 65 when they are renewed annually without an upper age limit. Shorter licenses may be issued for medical reasons.

There are exceptions, such as driving in the armed forces, and people of a minimum age of 18 can drive lorries and buses after gaining, or training towards, the Driver CPC.  All initial Group 2 license applications require a medical assessment by a registered medical practitioner (recorded on the D4 form). The same assessment is required again at 45 years of age and on any subsequent reapplication.

Police, Fire, Ambulance and Health Service Driver Licensing

The same medical standards apply for drivers of police, fire, coastguard, ambulance and health service vehicles as they do for all drivers holding Group 1 and 2 licenses. Any responsibility for determining higher medical standards, over and above these licensing requirements, rests with the individual force, service or other relevant body.

Taxi Licensing

Responsibility for determining any higher standards and medical requirements for taxi drivers, over and above the driver licensing requirements, rests with Transport for London in the Metropolitan area, or the Local Authority in all other areas. Decisions taken by employers on the use and application of the UK standards on fitness to drive in particular circumstances and as they relate to employees are for the employer to make. Any responsibility for
determining higher medical standards, over and above these licensing requirements, rests with the individual force, service or other relevant body.


We also provide a comprehensive range of fitness to work medicals which can be tailored to each companies requirements.

Book Medical

in clinic £49

Your appointment

You must bring either your D4 form or Taxi Medical form to your appointment. (Failure to bring your form may result in your appointment being cancelled).

You must print your name (do not sign your name) and write your date of birth in the indicated boxes on the bottom of every page of the D4 form.

You must complete your personal details and NHS GP details on the the D4 form.

If you require glasses for driving, you must bring them with you for the eyesight test along with your eye test prescription. This must be dated within the last 12 months. If you will be wearing contact lenses, you must be able to remove the lenses so that the eyesight test can be done without the lenses.

If you have had hospital treatment or you are under the care of a specialist, Please bring details with you including Dates of attendance, hospital report or letter and results.

You must bring photo I.D. (we only accept passport or photo driving licence). Without photo I.D. we will not be able to release your medical forms.

Important Information for drivers attending with the New D4 Form Only

You must fill our Consent Form and take it to your registered GP prior to your appointment.

You need to get a copy of your medical records from your registered
GP and bring them to your appointment. Attending without a copy of your
medical records may result in a delay in your form being released.